Vasart develops a circular collection of 100% recyclable plant pots

Action is being carried out in partnership with Therpol and Plataforma Circular Have you ever wondered what it is like to have a pot produced from the fabric of an old pair of jeans? Yes, this novelty has just taken shape through a partnership of three companies. With new sustainable ways in mind, Vasart has […]
Think Plastic Brazil innovates and creates Model House with civil construction products at Expo Nacional Ferretera 2022

An innovative booth, with products from 16 companies (A&S Technologies, Astra, Atlas S.A., Bold, Botafogo Lar & Lazer, Condor Pincéis, Fame, Fortlev, Itacorda, Krona, Maxeb, MMS Plásticos, Pabovi, São Bernardo, Tigre, and Viqua), spread among different environments: bathroom, outdoor area, kitchen, and DIY area. The Casa Modelo format was chosen by the Think Plastic Brazil […]
Companies participating in Think Plastic Brazil approved for Casa Brasil in Israel and Casa Brasil in London

With an increasing investment in design, color trends, sustainability, and innovation, the participating companies of Think Plastic Brazil are conquering spaces in the main international events, including Casa Brasil actions around the world. With the pioneering spirit of the companies that participated in the Casa Brasil event in New York (which took place in May), […]
VALGROUP and COLORFIX confirm their sponsorship of the World Plastic Connection Summit 2022

Two important companies have confirmed their sponsorship of the World Plastic Connection Summit 2022, which will be held both face to face and online, on November 7-10 in São Paulo: Valgroup (Highlight Plastic) and Colorfix (Special Plastic Masterbatch). The participation of companies proves the strength of the event, which recorded in the 2021 edition […]
SAVE THE DATE Think Plastic Brazil holds 2nd World Plastic Connection Summit on November 7-10, 2022

With the theme “Innovation, Design and Sustainability as global differentiators in the Brazilian converted plastics sector” the most important international event for business and knowledge renewal will be featuring an sector award ceremony, seminar in three languages, buyer and image project, and launch of Color Trend 2023 and Yearbook 2022 Think Plastic Brazil (portfolio […]