Color Trend 2024: Meet the “Arara-azul” (Blue Macaw) in November’s Color Trend Series by Jum Nakao 

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This November, the color Blue Macaw was selected by the curator of the 2024 edition of Color Trend, product designer Jum Nakao, for the Color Trend Series. The choice is part of Color Trend, the color guide created to guide decisions by professionals in the converted plastics industry in Brazil, promoted by Think Plastic Brazil, a portfolio of solutions for the plastic converted products sector in the process of internationalization to target markets, carried out through a partnership between ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) and INP (Brazilian Plastic Institute). 

In this year’s edition, Color Trend, which is part of the World Plastic Connection Summit ecosystem, has the creative direction of renowned artist and product designer Jum Nakao, with co-authorship by Beatriz Abreu. When creating the guide, Nakao considered that Brazil is an authority on light and color, due to the variety of biomes in the country. The selected colors, therefore, reflect this multiplicity, expressing our identity and celebrating our plurality. 

The methodology for preparing the guide involved the converted plastics market. Interviews were conducted with Brazilian companies that participate in the Think Plastic Brazil program, including masterbatch manufacturers (who develop the pigments that will be used in the manufacture of converted plastic), such as Colorfix and Engeflex, which collaborated in the creation of Color Trend 2024. 

For Carlos Moreira, Brazilian Plastic Institute Executive Director & Think Plastic Brazil CPO, the constant exchange with masterbatch companies and other Think Plastic Brazil associates “makes Color Trend a guide that is fully adherent to the Brazilian converted plastics industry, in addition to being a milestone in the design of Brazilian products”. 

The companies members of Think Plastic Brazil that produced the converted plastic parts within the proposals of the International Color Guide are: Bral-Max; Dello; Globoplast; Lolly; Nutriplan; Pabovi; Plasvale; Polyplay; Soprano; Spiltag; Termolar; Uz Utilidades; Vasap; and Vasart. 

The “Blue Macaw” color 

In the Color Trend Series, the color chosen for the month of November is “Arara-Azul” (194245 TPG). In the Araruna region, in the Northeast of Brazil, these birds used to make their nests in a rock known as “Pedra da Boca” (Mouth Stone), because the cavity resulting from erosion is similar to the shape of lips. The name Araruna comes from the Tupi a’rara una and means black macaw. This name (black macaw) comes from the fact that, when seen from a distance, the dark blue plumage appears black. 

The color was chosen for the month of November because it refers to the “Blue November” campaign, promoted throughout Brazil to raise awareness and combat prostate cancer, which affects thousands of men annually in the country. Early diagnosis is the best way to achieve a cure and, to this end, the Ministry of Health recommends that men aged 45 and over with risk factors, or 50 and over without risk factors, consult a urologist and undergo tests to identify this type of cancer. 


Upcoming editions of Color Trend 

Color Trend 2025 is designed by Gabriela de Matos, an architect graduated from PUC Minas and currently studying for a master’s degree at Diversitas – Center for the Study of Diversity, Intolerance and Conflicts at USP. Gabriela is a prominent figure in the Brazilian architectural scene, internationally recognized for her project “Terra”, which earned her the Golden Lion at the 2023 Venice International Architecture Biennale. She was also the first black woman to hold the position of co-president of the Brazilian Institute of Architects in São Paulo.  

Color Trend 2026 is already in production and will be designed by Marcelo Rosenbaum, a renowned Brazilian architect who has won international awards for his iconic projects and exhibitions. The new edition will be launched on April 8, 2025, during the World Plastic Connection Summit. Register on the website 

About Think Plastic Brazil    

Think Plastic Brazil started its activities with 38 companies and, over the last 20 years, has expanded its participation to more than 220 companies. During this period, the Portfolio promoted 4,773 participations of companies in the industry in 240 projects specifically for Trade Promotion, resulting in 64,366 meetings. The economic impact was significant, with more than US$1.247 billion in business generated and a total investment of US$12.338 million, achieving an impressive ROI of US$101.04 for every dollar invested.   

For those interested in buying from Brazil and contacting Brazilian companies associated with Think Plastic Brazil directly, please contact and via email or visit the website ( Think Plastic Brazil is a non-profit, non-commissioned organization that can facilitate your direct contact with Brazilian producers. 

About INP   

Founded in 1989, the Brazilian Plastic Institute – INP arises amid the process of globalization and the need to make the plastic market more competitive internationally. Its strength and representativeness are the results of the union of the Brazilian Processed Plastic and Recycling Industry (ABIPLAST), the Brazilian Association of the Chemical Industry (ABIQUIM), and the Union of Synthetic Resin Industries in the State of São Paulo (SIRESP).   

As a sectoral technological body, the INP’s is to be the focal point for the entire plastics production chain in Brazil. To this end, the body maintains an extensive workforce qualification program, promotes access to the most modern technologies, especially for small and medium-sized companies, and develops Technical Standards so that products with better quality be manufactured. 

About ApexBrasil   

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) promotes Brazilian products and services abroad and attracts foreign investments to strategic industries of the Brazilian economy. To reach its goals, ApexBrasil carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, and visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, among other business platforms that are also focused on strengthening “Brazil” as a brand.    

The agency also acts in a coordinated manner with public and private actors to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for the development of the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country. 

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