Think Plastic Brazil Podcast – May 2021 Results

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The analysis by Carlos Moreira, Strategy and Project Planning Manager at Think Plastic Brazil, on the Apex-Brasil indicators for our sectoral project for May 2021, is already available on our Think Plastic Brazil podcast and on YouTube. The numbers are based on the comparison of the period between January-April of the years 2021 and 2020. Learn more below:
In April 2021, the program reached the milestone of 179 member companies (?13.29%), among which 133 exported (?16.67%) to 79 countries (?2.60%). When comparing the same product baskets, these companies together accounted for 42% (?9.88%) of the value and 64.33% (?2.21%) of the weight exported by the Brazilian sector of processed plastic products.
In the period January-April 2021, the value exported by the 133 companies in the Program was $101.2 million, compared to $90.6 million in the same period of 2020 (?11.66%). The sector of transformed plastic products exported the value of US$ 240.8 million in this period of 2021, over $237.0 million in 2020 (?1.62%). In other words, the 133 members of Think Plastic Brazil increased their exports by 10.04 percentage points more than the average for the sector.
Conversely, the weight exported in 2021 by the 133 companies was 41,981 metric tons against 42,196 metric tons in 2020 (?0.51%), while the sector exported 65,261 metric tons in 2021 and 64,146 metric tons in 2020 (?1.74%), which represented ?2.25 percentage points below the market average in exported metric tonnage.
Dividing the value by the weight, we can observe that the companies in the program increased by ?12.24, while the average for the sector decreased by ?0.12%. In turn, the average price per weight exported by member companies is ?34.71% below the market average.
Other relevant indicators from the period January-April 2021 among the 133 exporting companies are:
• 59 companies opened new markets (?145.83%),
• ?33.33% increase in companies that exported new products,
• growth of ?32.05% in the number of companies that are leveraging their exports and
• expansion of ?2.60% in the number of export destinations, 6 of which are new, that is, none of the exporting companies had previously exported to these locations, which indicated a growth of ?500% compared to the same period in 2020.
The top five export destinations accounted for 65.40% of exports in 2021, compared to 54.95% in 2020– a total increase of 10.45 percentage points.
ANALYSIS PERIOD: January-May 2021 and 2020
CAPTION: ? Increase – ? Decrease
In the period January-May 2021, Think Plastic Brazil promoted 434 virtual meetings, ?23.65% more than in the same period of 2020. During these meetings, $0.765 million in business were generated (?34.21% more than in 2020) with an expectation of $10.755 million for the next 12 months, which represents an increase of ?194.66% between 2020 and 2021.
Another highlight was the number of companies that participated in online meetings, which grew by ?288.89%. These actions promoted an increase of ?34.75% in the use of courier services in 2021 and generated savings for supported companies in the amount of R$2,674,741. In the period January-May 2020, this growth was ?37.40% compared to the same period in 2019. SERVICE MILESTONES
ANALYSIS PERIOD: January-May 2021 and 2020
CAPTION: ? Increase – ? Decrease
Think Plastic Brazil is based on two vectors (promotional and structuring) and is organized into five strategic axes (service center, business development, market intelligence, innovation, design and sustainability, and commercial promotion and image), which have their programs and specific projects that are carried out to unfold the internationalization strategies of companies in the processed plastics sector.
To achieve the results presented above, Think Plastic Brazil served 759 companies and generated R$4,128,130 in benefits to member companies.
Both trade & image promotion and service center are serving a greater number of companies, with the aim of providing support and generating online meetings to increase exports, which allowed for an increase of ?11.66% in average company exports supported and ?34.21% of deals completed during the virtual meetings held in the period January-May 2021 when compared to the same period in 2020.

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