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By the second half of February 2020, Think Plastic Brazil listed the potential risks that could arise in case the pandemic was determined. With this mapping, contingencies emerged and in the beginning of March 2020 the Crisis Working Group started. One of the main actions was to map and monitor the main impacts on the associated companies, their wishes and perceptions about the moment by means of surveys and interviews on the spot. By listening to more than 150 businessmen, partners and the main stakeholders, a demand emerged for the development of a platform that would bring together the associated companies with importers, associated companies and journalists from the 13 target countries, as well as major lecturers who could collaborate with the organization of the supported companies after the end of the pandemic. Another demand was for the creation of a color trend that would imprint the industry’s identity internationally, and for a strong image campaign based on a yearbook to be issued in three languages.
In response to these market requests, Think Plastic Brazil is pleased to announce one of the most important events focused on the processed plastics sector in 2021: the I World Plastic Connection Summit. The global online congress, scheduled for November 3rd to 6th of this year will encompass 5 coordinated actions:
International Exhibition: International trade and image promotion with individual booths of companies supported by the program, which will be welcoming importers and international journalists who will receive awareness training and participate in virtual meetings focusing on the fourteen target countries.
International Seminar: International technical seminar for disseminating relevant information for decision-making both on target markets and on the potential of the Brazilian converted plastics sector.
International Award: Award ceremony with the goal of affirming the appreciation of the Internationalization, Innovation, Design and Sustainability Process at a global level, so that it increasingly adds international value to the companies associated with the Program.
Color trend: An in-depth global study of color trends in the plastic market, imprinting Brazilian culture and presenting the possibilities for production and development to domestic companies.
International yearbook: A yearbook published in three languages (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), presenting the achievements of Think Plastic Brazil and the Brazilian companies participating in the Program.

In addition to the CEOs of our industries, we will be inviting suppliers, buyers and opinion makers linked to the converted plastics industry, with our mailing list of over 12,000 names, making this the most important event of the year.

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