President of the board of Astra, Ana Oliva Bologna, is recognized as one of the Successful Women of 2024 by Forbes magazine

Think Plastic Brazil

In a special edition, Forbes magazine dedicated its cover to a major report on 16 recognized personalities in their fields, including Ana Oliva Bologna, one of the “Successful Women of 2024”. The businesswoman is president of the Board of Astra, a company associated with Think Plastic Brazil, a portfolio of solutions that support the converted plastic products sector in the internationalization process for target markets, the result of a partnership between the National Plastics Institute (INP) and ApexBrasil (Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency), which aims to support plastic transforming industries at their different levels of maturity to develop and expand their international presence

“It is an honor to be part of a list that recognizes and honors female protagonists from different areas. I am in charge of two prominent companies in the construction and decoration sectors, areas that are predominantly male, proving daily that women can and should conquer any space in society”, she celebrates. “My leadership is based on competence and determination aligned with transformative values and I believe this was essential for my trajectory and nomination at Forbes.”

At 42 years old, Ana said in an interview with Estadão in its Real Estate section she was prepared by her grandfather, founder of the business 67 years ago, to take on responsibility and says that the education she received as a child empowered her to be a woman in a leadership role. Still, she encountered unfriendly environments throughout her career, after all, the business is mostly male. 

Aware of this scenario, she heads gender equity actions in the companies she leads. She says she seeks to support women, with a parental guidance program, lactation rooms in factories and the goal of increasing the number of women among employees, from 30% to 40%. “Being an extremely masculine industry, of construction materials, it is a good number”, she pointed out in an interview with UOL Economia.

With the signing of the Letter of Support for ApexBrasil’s Gender Equality Commitment and a Management Committee made up of 50% women, Think Plastic Brazil reiterates its total agreement with positions such as Astra’s.

About Think Plastic Brazil 

Think Plastic Brazil was created in December 2003, when the Brazilian integrated plastics chain was selected as one of the 10 largest in the world, recognized for its high technology and the capacity of its human resources. The project is carried out in partnership with ApexBrasil (Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency), under the coordination of the National Plastics Institute (INP), to promote the export of transformed plastic products. 


About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve its objectives, ApexBrasil carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and commercial missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits from foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.