Innovation and inspiration on the first day of seminar in the III World Plastic Connection Summit


On August 21, Think Plastic Brazil held the first seminar of the World Plastic Connection Summit. The seminar theme was: “Brazil as trendsetter of global processed plastics” and gathered important professionals from the whole chain of processed plastics.

A series of speeches opened the first day. The first was by José Ricardo Roriz Coelho, National Plastic Institute (INP) Advisory Board’s President, and Abiplast President. He said that the event opening proved the pioneering in the Brazilian industry, showing that it is a trendsetter, not only maker of followers.

José Ricardo Roriz Coelho

Then was the turn of Edison Terra Filho, National Plastic Institute (INP) President and Braskem’s South America Olefines and Polyolefines Vice-President. He added that the World Plastic Summit, while bringing to light very relevant themes, like design, gender equity, scientific research as ally of innovation, sustainability, and retail, proves its pioneerism.   

Edison Terra Filho

Marcelo Salum, Head of the Investment Promotion Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized: “The Brazilian plastic sector is very important, particularly due to its eco-efficiency and innovation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs places over 200 positions in the world to disseminate Think Plastic Brazil projects”, said Salum.

Marcelo Salum

Emerson Raiol, ApexBrasil project analyst and currently manager of Think Plastic Brazil portfolio, emphasized the relevance of the partnership between ApexBrasil and INP: “ApexBrasil supported the creation of the World Plastic Connection Summit since its conception, believing that, even during the limitations and restrictions imposed by Covid-19 pandemic, we could move on in the generation of opportunities for Brazilian companies to expand and diversify their exports”, stated Raiol.

Emerson Raiol

Eduardo Berkovitz, Institutional Relations and Compliance Director of Valgroup, Highlight Plastic sponsor of the event, stressed the importance of Think Plastic Brazil work. “Valgroup understands and officially supports Think Plastic Brazil work of placing us in the sector’s events global map, because we believe in the strength of our industries, and the pioneerism of actions as defense tool of our market”, said  Berkovitz.

Eduardo Berkovitz

The last institutional speech of the day was in charge of Carlos Moreira, Think Plastic Brazil portfolio’s Project Director. “In the year when we complete 20 years, I assume, with you, on behalf of Think Plastic Brazil, the commitment to continue evolving and leading changes for other  20, 40, 80 years”, announced Moreira.

Carlos Moreira

Technology, Design and Equity were the themes on the first day

Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters, renowned German expert in materials and design, opened the cycle of lectures presenting options in materials and technical innovations that can be explored by the plastic industry.

Prof. Dr. Sascha Peters

“What can the plastic industry do now to reduce CO2 carbon?”, asked Sascha Peters giving examples of projects being executed worldwide, such as tire made of recycled PET, and urban furniture made of recycled plastic in cities of Holland and Greece.

Another highlight of the first morning of seminars was the lecture by Lincoln Seragini, Casa Seragini CEO and one of the most important packaging designers in Brazil. With a witty speech, Seragini shared impressions on the construction of value to brands.

Lincoln Seragini

“Brand is not product, because product you copy, but brand can’t be imitated”, declared Lincoln Seragini.

Early in the afternoon the panel “Women in Leadership” was held, moderated by ApexBrasil Business Director Ana Paula Repezza, which counted on the participation of managers of the processed plastic chain like FAME Export Manager Maria Prado; Terphane HR & IT Director Magdala Moraes; Termolar CEO Natalie Ardrizzo; and Embaquim Technical and Development Director Renata Canteiro.

Paula Repezza, Maria Prado, Magdala Moraes, Natalie Ardrizzo e Renata Canteiro

The audience could learn about the managers trajectories in their areas of expertise, discuss gender equity in companies, in addition to participating in qualification actions driven by ApexBrasil.

“ApexBrasil created, in March, a commitment involving internal and external gender equity, and now we also encourage other companies to follow this example”, said Ana Paula Repezza.

Valgroup Innovation Director Marlos Giuntini was the next to take the stage and talked about the advances of circular economy in 2023, and present initiatives developed by Valgroup in this area.

Marlos Giuntini

“Yes, it’s possible to recycle PET with quality to meet all sectors”, said Marlos Giuntini.

The Arab-Brazilian Chamber was also present in the event with the speech of the entity Marketing and Content Director Silvana Gomes. In her speech, the specialist addressed competitiveness in houseware and civil construction sectors in Arabian countries, and also presented the project “Halal do Brasil” intended to guide Brazilian companies willing to do business in the Arabian world.

Silvana Gomes

“Brazil can greatly expand exports to the 22 Arabian countries”, stated Silvana Gomes.

Then, Denmark Technical University (DTU Grundfos) PhD student Giácomo Parolin talked about the relevance of ecodesign – the philosophy of designing more sustainable and healthy objects, environments and services for people in circular economy.

Giácomo Parolin

“A economia circular é uma oportunidade de negócios que contribui para mudar o jeito que estamos negociando, pois podemos fazer mais usando menos“, declarou Giácomo Parolin.

“Circular economy is a business opportunity that contributes to change the way we negotiate, because we can do more using less”, said Giácomo Parolin.

Susanna Björklund

The lecture of Finnish journalist Susanna Björklund, expert in trends, was a kind of continuation of the previous presentation. Participating for the second time in the Summit, Susanna addressed how design plays a fundamental role in the promotion of projects that use fewer natural resources, according to circular economy’s principles.

“Recycling alone does not solve the problem, we need to consume less and better. What is luxury today? Going back to the basic” said Susanna Björklund.

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