INP and ApexBrasil renew Think Plastic Brazil agreement for international promotion of the Brazilian converted plastics industry

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– Portfolio of the Brazilian Converted Plastics Export and Internationalization Program


– Participating companies represent 30.28% of the industry’s export value (or USD 425 million) and 57.47% of the exported weight, considering the same product baskets.


The INP (Brazilian Plastics Institute) and ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) renewed on February 10 the cooperation agreement for the global promotion of the Brazilian converted plastics industry through Think Plastic Brazil. According to Carlos Moreira, Strategy and Project Planning Manager of the Portfolio, “in the last agreement, Think Plastic Brazil supported companies, of which 152 make exports (data from 2021), which account for 30.28% of the industry’s export value (or USD425 million) and 57.47% of the exported weight considering the same product baskets. For the biennium 2022/2023, the goals are much more challenging.”


Think Plastic Brazil is the official representative of the Brazilian industries that produce converted plastics intended for the Agribusiness, Toys and Childcare, Construction, Packaging, Inputs for transformation and Housewares verticals. In this new cycle, the project will be promoting these companies in the following markets: North America (Canada, United States of America, and Mexico), Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, and Dominican Republic), South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Uruguay), Europe (Germany, Spain, and Portugal), Africa (South Africa, Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Kenya), and Asia (Hong Kong, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates). These markets are divided between primary and secondary, ensuring specific actions according to market intelligence studies carried out in 2021.


“Think Plastic Brazil’s actions are designed to serve the converted plastics chain across its chain, showing that joint growth is the best way to strengthen the industry at the domestic and international level. The portfolio increases our global competitiveness and proves the Brazilian pioneering spirit in the converted plastics industry,” said Edison Terra, president of INP, the Brazilian Plastics Institute.


“Think Plastic Brazil has had the institutional support of ABIPLAST since 2003, the year of its creation, and has a history of supporting our members in the international insertion and expansion of their export markets. In recent years, even in the context of a pandemic, Think Plastic Brazil surpassed its goals regarding the number of companies supported and exported value. Therefore, celebrating the renewal of this agreement for another two years is a reason to be very proud, as this is a high-level portfolio, which works hard to maintain Brazil among the great international names in the industry,” said José Ricardo Roriz Coelho, President of ABIPLAST – Brazilian Plastics Industry Association.


“Think Plastic Brazil is increasingly consolidating itself as one of the most important tools of proximity between the government sector and the transformed plastics industry regarding the internationalization of this industrial segment. The historical results of this partnership prove this, especially in the last cycle of the agreement when we reached records in the indicators. With this renovation, I am sure that we are starting a new moment in the sector project here and that we will have even more memorable achievements for the next two years”, says Miguel Bahiense, Executive Director of INP – Brazilian Plastic Institute.


“The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic has led many sector projects to rethink their strategies and review their schedule of actions. Think Plastic Brazil quickly adapted and inserted several online actions into its work plan, including courses, seminars and business rounds, all with excellent results and significant participation by companies. This work culminated in the successful World Plastic Connection Summit, an innovative online global event, organized and carried out by the sectoral project, which is now part of the sector’s official promotion schedule”, says Paulo Roberto da Silva, Coordinator of Industry and ApexBrasil Services.


“Among all 34 actions that will be managed by Think Plastic Brazil to unfold its strategies of the internationalization process, in November of the respective years 2022 and 2023 are the new editions of the World Plastic Connection Summit in its hybrid format, that is, a mixed presence and online. The Portfolio will recruit more than 30 importers and 5 international journalists for each of the years, who will meet with the associated companies, promoting the International Award, International Seminar, launch of Color Trend 2023/2024 and YearBook 2022”, says Carlos Moreira – Strategy and Project Planning Manager at Think Plastic Brazil.

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