Last in-person spots for the World Plastic Connection Summit 2023

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Only a few vacancies are left for the 3rd World Plastic Connection Summit, the main Brazilian event with an international focus in the converted plastics sector and the largest connection platform in the Americas for the industry in this sector. In a hybrid format (in person and online), the Summit will be held at Blue Tree Premium Alphaville (Alameda Madeira, 398 – Alphaville, Barueri, SP), on August 21-24, 2023, with simultaneous broadcasting in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. In 2022, the event brought together over 300 people in person, and the lectures were broadcast online to 67 countries with more than 14,000 hits worldwide.

Check out the seminar events and schedule at and sign up.

The Summit is composed of:

Hybrid International Seminar: International technical seminar held in a hybrid format (face-to-face and online lectures and access). It will feature an exclusive selection of the most important global professionals to meet the information demands of the entire Converted Plastics chain and will be held on August 21-22.

The highlights of this edition include renowned international designer Karim Rashid, who will give a lecture on design and innovation; Finnish journalist and trend specialist Susanna Björklund, who will talk about trends in sustainable design; German specialist and professor Sascha Peters, who will present new materials for the sustainability of plastics; Brazilian researcher Giácomo Parolin, who will discuss the role of plastics in the circular economy; and packaging designer and specialist in the area of creative business governance, Lincoln Seragini, who will present success stories in packaging in Brazil; among others.

The Seminar’s schedule also includes panels on corporate leadership and design, in addition to the launch of the International Color Trends Guide (Color Trend 2024) and the International Yearbook (Yearbook 2023), with data from the international industry and information from member companies of the Program.



International Award: with the aim of acknowledging and publicizing companies that invest in internationalization processes, in addition to honoring relevant actions by member companies of the Program, the main innovation of this year’s award will be the opening of registration to companies not associated with Think Plastic Brazil.


Color Trend – International Color Trend 2024: An in-depth global study of color trends in the converted plastics market, reflecting Brazilian culture and presenting new possibilities for production and product development to Brazilian companies. The color survey was coordinated by renowned artist, creative director and product designer Jum Nakao.

Jum Nakao (photo: André Batista)


International Yearbook: The third edition of the yearbook in three languages (Portuguese, English, and Spanish) has been reformatted, with even more information and highlighting the 190 Brazilian member companies of Think Plastic Brazil, in addition to presenting international sectoral information for 2023. The International Yearbook will be available in an online format and will have a few copies available in print format.


Buyer Project – Buyers Project International Show: Held on August 23-23, at the Hotel Blue Tree Premium Alphaville, the face-to-face event will be serving all verticals of the Converted Plastics sector, with negotiation roundtables and a large area for networking, in addition to a selected mailing list of international buyers with exclusive access to participants.


Image Promotion: At this event, held alongside the Buyer Project, member companies of the Think Plastic Brazil Program are able to welcome buyers and guest journalists.


Technical Visits: in the last two days of the event, international buyers and guest journalists will participate in technical visits to the plants of the member companies of the Think Plastic Brazil program.


Internationalization Consulting Clinics: A new feature at this year’s Summit, the consulting clinics will bring together representatives from ApexBrasil, law firms and business consultants, who will address various topics of interest to Think Plastic Brazil members.

The World Plastic Connection Summit is one of the main actions of the sectoral project for the verticals supported by the Think Plastic Brazil program: Agribusiness, Toys and Childcare, Construction, Packaging, Supplies (including the Masterbatch, the material responsible for coloring Converted Plastic products), and Housewares.

The World Plastic Connection Summit 2023 has the following supporters: Valgroup (Highlight Plastic); Braskem (Master Plastic); Colorfix and Engeflex (Masterbatch Special Plastic); Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce; Abiplast and Abiquim (Institutional Support); and the publications Plásticos em Revista, Plástico Virtual, and All Pet Food Magazine (Media Partners).



World Plastic Connection Summit 2023

Date: August 21-24

Venue: Hotel Blue Tree Premium Alphaville

Alameda Madeira, 398 – Alphaville, Barueri, SP

Online broadcast in Portuguese, Spanish, and English


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