Results of the World Plastic Connection International Buyers Project 2023


The 121 companies participating in the International Buyers Project, action that integrated the III World Plastic Connection Summit program, in August 23 and 24, held 930 meetings with the 31 international buyers invited. The meetings generated US$ 4.8 million in businesses, with anticipation of other US$ 37.5 in the coming 12 months.

“This second in-person edition of the Buyers Project was a success, with increase in the number of businesses done and income generated.  That proves the Brazilian processed plastic sector’s strength, and that our internationalization efforts in the sector are on track”, said Carlos Moreira, Think Plastic Brazil’s Strategy and Project Planning Manager.

The World Plastic Connection Summit 2023 counted on the following supporters: Valgroup (Highlight Plastic); Braskem (Master Plastic); Colorfix and Engeflex (Masterbatch Special Plastic); Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce; Abiplast and Abiquim (institutional support); in addition to Plásticos em Revista, Plástico Virtual and All Pet Food Magazine (Media Partners).

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