Think Plastic Brazil takes 27 Brazilian companies to Expo Pack in Mexico

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Think Plastic Brazil, a portfolio of solutions that support the converted plastic products sector in the internationalization process for target markets carried out through a partnership between ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) and INP (Brazilian Plastic Institute), will participate for the 8th time in Expo Pack, in Mexico. The fair takes place between June 4 and 7 at EXPO Santa Fe, in the country’s capital.
The fair is the most traditional event in Mexico, attracting buyers from all over the country, as well as from Central America and the Caribbean. Expo Pack is a strategic event for the national market. According to data from the Asociación Nacional del Plástico A.C. of Mexico, 7 million metric tons of plastic were consumed in the country in 2022. Of this total, 43% are estimated to be used for packaging. Carlos Moreira, Executive Director of the Brazilian Plastic Institute and Think Plastic Brazil projects, points out that Mexico is a great opportunity for the packaging segment of the associated companies participating in the Expo Pack, the most traditional and important fair in the country. In 2023, Mexico was the 9th main destination for exports from companies supported by Think Plastic Brazil, totaling US$11,754,246.
Comparatively, in 2022, Mexico ranked 11th with exports totalling US$15,810,727. Although the value exported in 2022 was higher, Mexico’s relative position improved in 2023. In 2023, the packaging industry accounted for 68.71% of the total exports to Mexico. Although the total exported by member companies fell from US$644,774,131 in 2022 to US$431,991,813 in 2023, representing a 33% drop, Brazil’s total exports (including both supported and unsupported companies) to Mexico grew 9.2%, from US$130,915,722 in 2022 to US$142,911,863 in 2023.
“It is worth noting that consider that some companies may have exported products with different nomenclatures in the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), which was not recorded, making it difficult to accurately measure performance with the support of the Think Plastic Brazil portfolio. Still, we can conclude that Mexico is a significant and promising market. Companies supported by the packaging industry should, in fact, invest in this market to maximize opportunities for growth and expansion,” explains Carlos Moreira.
The event receives about 20,000 people each edition and is a gateway for Brazilian companies to start their internationalization processes for the Americas and the Caribbean.
With the support of Think Plastic Brazil, 27 companies will be at the fair: Antilhas Embalagens, Canguru Embalagens, Copobras S/A, Cristal Embalagens, Cristal Master, Cromex S/A, Embaquim, Fibrasa S.A, GDM Indústria e Comércio, Globoplast, Igaratiba, Inplasul, Jaguar Plásticos, Mello Descartáveis, Multinova, Parnaplast, Plaszom, Pulit, Rafitec/Propex, Replas, Silica Sul, Teixeira Têxtil, and Zaraplast. Both Valgroup and Videplast will have more than one company participating at the fair.
Antilhas will present the Stand Up Pouch PCR line, which uses post-consumer recycled materials (PCR), reinforcing its commitment to sustainability.
Canguru Embalagens will take its line of special films, and structures suitable for various types of monolayer, laminated, or coextruded applications with special resins.
Cromex will present its sustainable solutions, including rC-Black – Recovered Carbon Black® masterbatches with carbon black obtained by reprocessing used tires, additives for recycling that assist in processing and improve the properties of the recycled material.
Fibrasa’s main launch this year is the polypropylene container with EVOH barrier for products that require an oxygen barrier, such as canned goods, pet food, and baby food.
Globoplast will present its latest release, Eco Low Profile. It is a 50 mm plastic tube, with a reduced cap, representing a decrease of 41.5% in the weight of the cap and 14.4% in the total weight of the item.
Grupo Copobras will exhibit a wide solution in flexible packaging, presenting several sustainable technologies, including its expertise in pet food, which supplies several markets.
GDM Plásticos will bet on macroperforated stretch film, which provides greater ventilation to packaged products, to attract visitors.
Parnaplast brings In-Cycle Film, which, in addition to being 100% recyclable, offers excellent optics, with brightness and transparency.
Videplast will show the thermoformed packaging, with films with flexible or semi-rigid caps and bottom developed to have high mechanical strength, high sealing strength, and uniformity. Zaraplast will present sustainable solutions from its ZaraTeva line, based on 6 pillars: lower material thickness, mono-materials; use of PCR resins, paper solutions, use of resins from renewable sources; and compostable and biodegradable materials.
Think Plastic Brazil will be at booth B1435, in its 9th participation in the event.

About Think Plastic Brazil

Think Plastic Brazil was created in December 2003, when the Brazilian integrated plastics chain was selected as one of the 10 largest in the world and recognized for its high technology, as well as for the capacity of its human resources. The project is carried out in partnership with ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), under the coordination of the Brazilian Plastic Institute (INP), to promote the export of processed plastic products.

About INP

Founded in 1989, the Brazilian Plastic Institute – INP arises amid the process of globalization and the need to make the plastic market more competitive internationally. Its strength and representativeness are the results of the union of the Brazilian Plastic and Recycling Industry (ABIPLAST), the Brazilian Association of the Chemical Industry (ABIQUIM), and the Union of Synthetic Resin Industries in the State of São Paulo (SIRESP).

The INP’s aim, as a sectoral technological body, is to be the focal point for the entire plastics production chain in Brazil. To this end, the body maintains an extensive workforce qualification program, promotes access to the most modern technologies, especially for small and medium-sized companies, and develops Technical Standards so that products with better quality be manufactured.

About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) promotes Brazilian products and services abroad and attracts foreign investments to strategic industries of the Brazilian economy. To reach its goals, the agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, and visits by foreign buyers and influencers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, among other business platforms that are also focused on strengthening “Brazil” as a brand.


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