Plástico Virtual Special Coverage

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In the coming months, Think Plastic Brazil will be publishing Plástico Virtual’s reports on the World Plastic Connection Award 2023. The texts are authored by Mariane Volpini, and the full articles are available at Follow it here:

The return of face-to-face events to the market

The 2nd World Plastic Connection Summit reflects how the plastics industry awaited the return of events that offer exchanges of knowledge and innovation for the industry

Even though many events have returned to the face-to-face format, organizers are still exploring broadcasting in the digital medium as a way to deliver an experience that reaches all audiences. One example of this is the 2nd World Plastic Connection Summit, one of the main events of the plastics industry, which took place in São Paulo but was also broadcast live.

Thus, the hybrid event format ensured that member companies of Think Plastic Brazil could participate even if remotely. That was the case with Stolf Utilidades.

According to Antônio Marcos Coelho Junior, who is part of the company’s Commercial team for Exports, the event showed a great structure. “The event met our expectations, bringing the featured colors with its Yearbook, as well as lectures focusing on the world of plastics,” he said.


Figure  1- Antonio Marcos Coelho Junior

Stolf was unable to attend the event in person but participated virtually, noting how well organized and thought-out the event was.

Initially, Stolf Utilidades won two awards promoted by the Connection Summit, acknowledging the efforts of member companies of Think Plastic Brazil.

The company won the Image Promotion Award and the Design Award. “The satisfaction of knowing that a product delivered is responsible for winning awards is, without a doubt, very rewarding, and seeing the recognition of all our development work and market research makes it worthwhile,” said Junior.

Color trends for 2023

In the view of Francielo Fardo, Director of Colorfix, the Color Trend was one of the main highlights of the event, since, according to him, the launch of this International Color Trends Guide was a crucial event.

The director stated: “A major name in fashion like Alexandre Herchcovitch showing that marbled colors are a big trend for 2023 reinforces the work of Colorfix.”

That is because, according to the director, two Marble colors were developed for the event, applied both to virgin resin and to PCR resin. “Receiving this validation at the event regarding our product was an excellent thing,” he said.


Figure 2 – Colorfix Group: Janaína Galvão, Francielo Fardo, and Carlos Damásio

This statement followed the awards received by Colorfix at the event. They were 4 in total:

  • 1st place in Special 2022 – World Plastic Development Award;
  • 2nd place in Special 2022 – World Plastic Design Award;
  • 1st place in Access 2022 – World Plastic Image Promotion Investments;
  • 2nd place in Access 2022 – World Plastic Commercial Promotion Investments Award;

In this sense, the director states that he believes that these awards reflect efforts to expand the market and the scope of the brand. Moreover, the event addressed the importance of not only offering a product to the market, but also providing a service. “Closely following the process of our customers is very much what we believe in as a business,” he stressed.

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O World Plastic Connection Summit®, principal evento internacional do setor brasileiro de plásticos transformados (Agrobusiness; Brinquedos e Puericultura; Construção Civil;

É sabido que o Controle de Jornada, seja ela interna ou externa, é um ato obrigatório para toda empresa com

O Think Plastic Brazil, portfólio de soluções para o setor de produtos transformados em plástico no processo de internacionalização para

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