World Plastic Connection: Think Plastic Brazil to start a series of international events

Think Plastic Brazil

A new strategic alliance between Think Plastic Brazil (Brazilian Transformed Plastic Internationalization and Exports Program), created by INP (National Plastic Institute) in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), and BRATECC (Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce), started a series of webinars with international partners in the sectoral project: the World Plastic Connection. In the first issue of the series, which took place October 8, the topic Plastic Industry: Brazil and US Market Opportunities (Plastic Industry: Brazil and US Market Challenges and Opportunities) included names such as Alfredo Schmitt (FFS Films Company); Eduardo Berkovitz (Valgroup) and Ricardo Levy Dosualdo (Vinmar International BV). The event was supported by APLA (Latin American Petrochemical and Chemical Association), Port of Houston and GPS Online (The Global Plastics Summit).
Now, the World Plastic Together schedule continues at full steam, with renowned international partners: