World Plastic Connection: Think Plastic Brazil to start a series of international events

A new strategic alliance between Think Plastic Brazil (Brazilian Transformed Plastic Internationalization and Exports Program), created by INP (National Plastic Institute) in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), and BRATECC (Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce), started a series of webinars with international partners in the sectoral project: the World Plastic Connection. In the […]

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The high-performance salesperson in the digital age

In these times of accelerated evolution of the digital technology, sales professionals are experiencing an even more challenging environment. In addition to the traditional salespeople from other organizations that operate in the same market, they now are required to face another character to be considered in their daily work: The digital salesperson of the organization […]

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SAVE THE DATE: BRATECC and Think Plastic Brazil are promoting a webinar on October 8

The Brazilian Trade Chamber – Texas (Bratecc) and Think Plastic Brazil scheduled for October 8 at 1:00 p.m. – Brasília time and 11:00 a.m. – Houston (Texas) time, a free webinar for the Brazilian petrochemical and processed plastics sector. The action will be supported by the Port of Houston, the Latin American Petrochemical and Chemical […]

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